I ended my last blog by introducing the New Zealand term for a traditional classroom–single-cell. The adjective evokes images of isolation for a teacher. For the learner, if the teacher/student match is positive it isn’t so
Read moreThe Designing for Innovation Framework reflects the research and work of innovators across Arkansas, the nation, and globe committed to the success of all learners. The framework is driven by the belief that this work is accomplished, at its best, by school and district teams in collaboration with student, parent, and community stakeholders.
Design Your Innovation TodayI ended my last blog by introducing the New Zealand term for a traditional classroom–single-cell. The adjective evokes images of isolation for a teacher. For the learner, if the teacher/student match is positive it isn’t so
Read more“Great leaders don’t tell you what to do. They show you how it’s done.” – Alessandro Berselli Denise Airola, The Office of Innovation for Education’s (OIE) fearless leader, leads by example in the office,
Read more“I’m not a jack of all trades; I’m a master of many. I don’t feel there is anything I can’t do if I want to.” -Robert “Evel” Knievel Jr. Travel agent, Event Coordinator, Logistics Guru, Research
Read more“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” Ignacio Estrada Crystal Beshears is empathetic, a good listener, and puts passion into everything that she does, including transforming
Read moreThe Office of Innovation for Education has worked with Star City Schools for several years. Star City High School and Middle School are both Schools of Innovation (SOI), but you will see innovation throughout the entire district. Their innovation
Read moreHi! Marsha here…I just returned from a small trek to Rochester, MN. Carolyn and I separated ways this week as she joined the Arkansas Study Tour and I traveled to the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Sit back for a minute as I tell a
Read moreWell, folks, this time I had to hit the road without Marsha, but I was not alone. Twenty-nine (yes that is 29!) educators and community members from Pangburn and Lonoke joined me as the good times rolled again, this time in northwest
Read moreThe car is loaded, and with great anticipation Marsha and Carolyn can’t help but hum “On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again.” Our job is to work with schools in Arkansas that want to innovate and try new
Read moreDerek Ratchford leads the EAST program at Sonora Middle School in Springdale, Arkansas. This year, the program was named the Overall Founder’s Winner for best program in the country based on the 3 categories of project sophistication, student
Read moreHoratio Elementary School in Arkansas puts students at the center of the learning and it shows in their continued improvement in their ESSA School Index scores and value-added growth scores over the last three years. At the core of their
Read moreDr. Mark Roberts, Principal Dr. Mark Roberts, 2nd year principal of Hall High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, has been a principal for 28 years. In his 28 years, he has been the principal in 7 schools across the country from
Read moreAfter a recent visit to Hall High School, it was evident that an organization known as City Year of Little Rock is making a lasting impact on student’s lives. City Year’s mission is “to close gaps in high-need schools by supporting
Read moreI am one of those that doesn’t get involved in basketball or March Madness until it gets down to the really competitive, final second, buzzer-beating games. After watching some of the basketball games last weekend that fit the bill, it had me
Read moreNorthside students will participate in a “School-wide student conference where students choose to visit college or career sessions of their choice in preparation for [life] beyond high school Northside High School’s School of
Read moren the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of spending significant time in schools with educators, students, families, and community and business partners who are transforming learning for their students. These schools and districts are
Read moreIn the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of spending significant time in schools with educators, students, families, and community and business partners who are transforming learning for their students. Drawing on their community and
Read moreLess than a month ago, I was teaching a classroom full of 3rd graders how to multiply and divide, compare and contrast, and how to “think like a scientist.” I considered myself to be a teacher who innovated and was known by my peers for
Read moreIt has been two years since I last visited my Grandmother’s house in my hometown. She passed away two years ago at the advanced age of 96. During that last visit I took a picture of the fig tree that was growing in her long abandoned garden. I
Read moreThat phrase caught my attention a few weeks ago–little did I know the relevance it would have for life under COVID-19. A financial advisor was explaining his career change to me. I had asked, “Why leave a Ph.D. in physical therapy and an
Read moreWhen educators are given the opportunity to observe other schools and teachers, the impact can be empowering and transformative. This is why on November 14, 2018, The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) in partnership with The Office of
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Read moreI am torn between two worlds in which I live: the data world and the innovation world. It has been bothering me for sometime. Over the past 6 years I have visited numerous innovative schools that focus on helping learners figure out how they
Read moreHave you ever tried to wear a pair of shoes or pants for the day that didn’t quite fit? As the day wears on you find yourself in some discomfort. You may have initially liked the style (or the price) enough to ignore the fit in the dressing
Read moreGoldilocks had it right. She was picky. I understand the merits of being picky. Perhaps ‘selective’ is a better word to describe this characteristic. Selective implies a thoughtful process of evaluating options and making an informed
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